Hi there LinkedIn Users

Hi there LinkedIn Users

LinkedIn davewalbert I’m happy to see you people of LinkedIn.

Links are in descending chronological order, so if you are looking for something I mentioned in the past, it may be down the list a bit.


Im currently working on:

CTO and Co-Founder Podcast

This is my podcast about building a startup from a first time CTO’s perspective


Medit – a Health Care Professional Kowledge Platform

We are building a mobile platform for healthcare professionals to quickly access & discover the best medical content using Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).


13th, February 2017

If you manage multiple hosts from Ansible, this might help you:

ss () {
        LIST=$(ack $1 /Users/davealbert/code/_One15Digital/sysAdmin/ansible/hosts|grep -v "^#" |uniq)
        LINES=$(echo ${LIST}|wc -l)
        if [[ $LINES > 1 ]]
                echo $LIST
                ssh ${USER}@$(echo $LIST|cut -d"=" -f 4) -p${PORT}

~$ ss my_host



I’m starting a new business!

Check out what I’m up to Now